remove form lines (cell outlines)

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Hi everyone!

I've noticed when I create forms there are light blue lines left over from the fields. how do I get rid of these?


I've set the border to none... and width to zero.



4 replies

Badge +4


Have you tried removing the border from the CSS Style for that control ?

if you control have any CSS class assigned to it, you can remove it. By default, all controls get the above style attached to it I believe.

we have used this to remove the border and in our CSS style we have removed the border style, we have it as below and the form does not display any border.



margin-top: -1px;


Badge +3

Hi, I am trying to solve this same issue and cant seem to get rid of the border.
Were you able to find a solution?

Paul G

Userlevel 3
Badge +8

  I did remove the existing CSS and that removed the boarder but it also changes the fields a bit. Did you try that?



Badge +3

actually - I used .nf-textbox-wrapper input{
} to remove the border from the input fields and that worked.

