Show View as soon as someone starts typing in a Text Area control?

  • 27 September 2016
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +16

I have an empty "text area" control which i want to show a view below as soon as someone starts typing in it, anyone know how to do this?


In the rule - when a control on a view raises an event - i only have 2 options, changed or initialized


If i choose changed, the View will only appear once i've clicked outside of the text area.... i need it to show the view as soon as i start typing...


Is this possible K2ers?



2 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +13



This is not possible at the moment. You will need to click outside of the text area control; only then will the View appear. 



Userlevel 3
Badge +8

Dear ,


This might be possible only if u include jquery in a literal label on ur form .

u need to test if jquery api work on the form or not ... like $(urtextbox).KeyUp or .Keypress , then show the view u want .

this might not be a good practice , and u could only try it if its too important to do that request ..


Hope it helps!

