Workflow error System.Int32

  • 31 January 2019
  • 1 reply

Badge +1

Hi there,

I have kickstarted a workflow but it came back with this error

Workflow Details

Failed to run User Defined Action. Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.String'.

The workflow is to thread through a datasheet and generate loops for the next 30 days but what does it mean by the error message above? I have 3 other sites that run exactly the same workflow and seem to have no error. 

1 reply

Badge +17

If you have the workflow working in other sites, perhaps copying the workflow and putting it here. Try it again to see if things were resolved on their own. 


Because its referencing a UDA its difficult to know what all is going on. Also ensure that you update any reference points in the UDA if you are reusing it.
