Nintex Date Variable Incompatible with SharePoint Date Type?

  • 15 March 2018
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I have a workflow that uses a Nintex date variable. The variable has a value in it, but when I try to set a SP field to that variable value I get a null. It doesn't error or anything. But the SP field has nothing in it. I'm ultimately trying to create a calendar item with this value. At first I tried to use the date variable in the start and end date for the calendar item, but it saw those as blanks. So I had to create a date field and try to populate that with the variable. Help!


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I figured out why my SP date field was not showing up on the nintex form. I had checked the box to not have it not added to any content types. I was hoping that would hide it from the entry form, but it also hid it from the workflow too. So I added it to the CT and now I can just connect the nintex field to the SP field. No variable required!
