Displaying Newest Item in Form Web Part

  • 15 March 2016
  • 3 replies

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Hey all,

Trying to display the form of the newest item entered into a list. When I configure the Web Part on a page, I've got to include an "Item ID" to identify which one to display. Is there a way to force that to choose the newest Item ID?

3 replies

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You can modify your view and Sort it by created descending? 

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Hey Parker, it appears the List Form webpart doesn't pull in a view. Rather, it pulls in the form of a specific item in the List by asking for the Item ID in the settings panel. My goal is to try to find a dynamic value for the Item ID (or some other workaround).

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My fault, I had not dropped it on a page by itself.  If you add the list to the page as well you can connect it through the connection setting > get row from > List name

But after trying this if I clicked on a row on the list it opened the wrong item on the form.  Does your environment do the same?

Adding the web part to the list page itself works properly but adding them both to a new page there seems to be a bug.
