MOM Integration

  • 24 January 2006
  • 2 replies

Hi guys,

does anybody here have experience in integrating K2 with MOM?
Is there a mom management pack available for sending K2 alerts to MOM or has anyone figured out a creative way of getting K2 errors to MOM?

Since I am not a K2 expert I would appreciate your advice a lot,

Thanks in advance

2 replies

Badge +9
From what I have seen, some people use MOM to monitor the state of the K2 server service and the physical server itself (e.g. CPU, memory usage, etc). There are a lot of articles on the web which show you how to do this.

The other form of monitoring is for K2 process exceptions, this is normally monitored by the K2 administrator (not the server administrator as usually the system administrator is not the right person to rectify the issue). Some solutions used include using the Exception handler at the process design to:
1) Catch the exception
2) Send a notification about the exception to the K2 administrator using some simple code (this could also be coded to log the error into the event log)
3) Re-throw the exception so that it appears in the Service Manager Console.

Hope this information helps give you some ideas.
Badge +1
Can you please point me to URL's that discuss on K2 server integration with MOM?

