Tutorial Deployment error

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I've been going through the "K2 [blackpearl] Tutorial", but now I'm stuck at the "Building a Process in the K2 designer for Visual Studio" => Lab 2 => Exercise 1 => Step 9 Build and Deploy the Process.

I have a totally fresh Environment with a separate Blackpearl SP 1 Server machine and my development client machine environment.

 When I try to deploy the process at step 9, I get the following error message:

 Error 1 Task Error: System.Exception: Forms Generation publishing has failed: Please ensure that if you are deploying this project that you are not attempting to do so on client. Deployment package needs to be created and run on the server in order to publish forms correctly. - System.Exception: Forms Generation publishing has failed: Please ensure that if you are deploying this project that you are not attempting to do so on client. Deployment package needs to be created and run on the server in order to publish forms correctly.
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.FormsGeneration.ClientEventDeploymentTask.HasPublishedWebsite()
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.FormsGeneration.ClientEventDeploymentTask.HasPublishedWebsite()
   at SourceCode.DeploymentTasks.FormsGeneration.ClientEventDeploymentTask.Execute()
 C:K2 TutorialsK2 TutorialDenallix Prcess TutorialobjDebugDeploymentDenallix Process Tutorial.msbuild 68 6 Denallix Process Tutorial

I've read the following articles that might have something to do with this:


I have Visual Studio Web Deloyment Projects 2005 installed, but that didn't help either. I've tried to create a Deployment Package, but didn't succeed with the demployment on the server. I get the same error on the target server when MSBUILD is run.

 Anyone else had the same problem?



13 replies

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I'm assuming the machine that has the K2 HostServer on it is a Win2003 SP2 machine.  Is the workspace also installed on this box?  Is the machine with Visual Studio also have K2 blackpearl SP1 on it?
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All the answers to your question are YES.



I have recently gone through the tutorial process as well and have received the same exact error at the same point in the tutorial.
I have gone through the tutorial and have received the same error at the same exact point. I am working on a Stand Alone  fresh installation of K2 SP1.
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I have gine through the tutorial and I get the same error "deployment package needs to be created and run on the server in order to publish forms correctly system exception forms generation has failed
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I seem to recall that there is a limitation with the web deployment package where it had to be local to the web server that it was deploying to.  i.e. Your K2 designer for Visual Studio needs to be local to the web server and the web deployment package needs to be installed on that machine.  Subsequently, you can copy off the generated web files to another server as needed.

Does this help?

I got the same error message as well when I try to deploy the tutorial solution. Is anyone able to resolve the error? 
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I too received the same error so created a deployment package that I copied to the K2 Server, and then ran msbuild against it as described in the http://kb.k2workflow.com/articles/kb000188.aspx article.

It failed on the K2 server with the exact same error.



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Hi Vince and guys,

 Please try this:

(1) Make sure this dll is in the GAC of the K2 Worskpace Server 


 (if you dont find it, it should be on the machine where K2 MOSS components are installed. just search for it.

 (2) On your the Development machine with VS2005 installed, make sure

SourceCode.WorkFlow.RuntimeServices.Objects.dll is in the GAC

Create Depoyment pacakage on client machine, move that to Workspace Server.

Run the MSBuild and it should be able to deploy well.



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Impossible to add assembly SourceCode.Workflow.RuntimeServices.Objects.dll to the GAC because it does not have a strong name....
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The problem comes from a different K2 Blackpearl version btw client (with Visual Studio) and server.

I don't have the pb anymore since I upgraded the server.

You really need to install WebDeploymentSetup.msi on the k2 server.  That finally solved my problem.
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I already installed WebDeploymentSetup.msi on the k2 server. and it's still have the same error. can anyone provide me a solution regarding the error?
