Set Value From Multiple List Lookup Control to one List Lookup

  • 4 August 2018
  • 7 replies

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I have multiple list lookup controls that show up (that are hidden with panels) when filtered through single line of text field. The connected ids only appear for some list lookup control but not for others even if the other controls are inside the panel are hidden and disabled using rule. All the list lookup controls are pulling from one list but different views. Does anyone has any idea on how to set list lookup values to the list lookup column if multiple list lookup controls are inside a form but only one list look up control in the column?

7 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +14

could you post some examples (screenshots) what exactly do you experience?

I somehow cannot sort it out from your description.

multiple lookups on a form shouldn't be a problem, regardless of whether they are populated from the same or different lists.

hopefully you do not connect all/multiple controls to the same list field...

Badge +9

Yes Marian Hatala, i am trying to connect multiple list lookup controls to one list lookup column. Thank you for looking on to this.


Userlevel 5
Badge +14

That's exactly the problem. if you connect multiple form controls to the same list field you aren't guaranteed which's control value gets saved to the list field.

create rather dedicated list field for each form control, or if you do not need to save all the values to list do not connect form controls with any list field

Badge +9

Thank you Marian Hatala, i guess i will just have to connect the list lookup controls to the text fields.

Userlevel 5
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why text fields?

nintex allows you to save not connected lookup's value into a text field, but it will not recognize it back as a lookup value.

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Marian Hatala, yes for the moment connecting to text field is ok since the lookup value items expire after certain period of time. It would still be great to connect with an option to not remove lookup if original item is deleted like we can do with list lookup column, if we could connect multiple list lookup control to one lookup column field. There must be some JavaScript to accomplish this, I will let you know if I find something. Thank you!

Userlevel 5
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if you have a solution, please mark the question answered.
