Worklist item could not be opened. 26030 Worklist item 9357_10 not found for <<USERID>>

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Hi we are having issues where users who are trying to open work in their open task are getting the following error.

Worklist item could not be opened. 26030 Worklist item 9357_10 not found for K2:UKChapmaK2 at
SourceCode.Workflow.Client•Method Base
◦Member Type:
■Scope Name:
SourceCode.Workflow.Client.dll◦Declaring Type
■Full Name:
SourceCode.Workflow.Client.InternalConnection•Stack Trace:
at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.InternalConnection.Call(ArchiveX ar, MessageType msgtype)at SourceCode.Workflow.Client.Connection.OpenWorklistItem(String SerialNumber, String Platform, Boolean Alloc, Boolean IgnoreStatus, String ManagedUser)at SourceCode.Forms.AppFramework.FormRuntime.GetWorkListItem(Connection workflowConnection, String serialNumber, String sharedUser, String managedUser)at SourceCode.Forms.AppFramework.FormRuntime.LoadProcessInfo(String type, String value, String sharedUser, String managedUser)

This is not happening to all entries but seems to be the rule rather than exception.

Please help

13 replies

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Firstly how are the destination users setup? Secondly do you have multiple parallel approvers? If so when one of the approvers actions the task and then i another approver tries to action the task do they recieve this error?


Many thanks,



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Hi Yannick,


I have attached the screenshot covering rules definition and workflow. The error popup when we load Support Leader review Smartform page. Yes we have  multiple parallel approvers to perform the activity.





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A 26030 error indicates that all destination slots are full for a particular activity.  When you assign a task to a group of users but the task only has a single destination slot, the first user to open the worklist item is assigned to the single destination slot.  Users who try to open the worklist item after that will get a 26030 error unless or until the first user release's the worklist item.

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The workaround for this is to set the destination so that it creates a slt for each destination. That way all destiantion users are able to open the item, and if someone opens a task it will not take the item off everyones else's worklist. IF onyl one user need to action then you can set the outcome to at least one user actions.

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Hi  @s0m3one,


I am little new to K2. Would you mind explaining me the steps to impliment the said workaround?






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Apologies for the delay. So what you have to do is.


In the destination for the activity tick the "Run the wizard in advanced mode". In the next window select "All at once option". In the next window select "Create a slot for each destination" option. Then select "Resolve all role and groups to users". Then as usual set the destiantion users. In the lines coming out of the activity. If you only want one user to action. Then right click on the line and then in the conditions for that line select "Outcome" or "ActionResult" from the context menu on the right to "At Most" or "At least" = 1. This should do the trick if not please let me know. I have used it successfully before. The only thing you really need to worry about is "Create a slot for each destination" and line rules. The rest can be configured according to your needs.

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For the sake of clarity, what s0m3one is suggesting isn't really a "workaround" for a "problem."  You are changing the behavior of the activity in K2 to cover up an error.


The default behavior for an activity is to have a single destination slot, which means that only one user can have a ticket open at any given time.  Other users who try to open the same activity after another user has opened it will get the error message you posted about.  The rationale for this behavior is to prevent users from a group duplicating work by trying to work on the same activity at the same time.  For example, think about technicians in a Help Desk environment: most Help Desks don't want multiple team members working the same problem at the same time.


What s0m3one is describing changes the number of destination slots to allow more users to open an activity at the same time.  So while it stops the error message when additional users try to open the same activity, this may (or may not) be the desired behavior for your activity.  You will have to decide if this is acceptable behavior for your process.

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I aggre, However the workaround suggested by s0m3one can be very fruitfull for other scenarios.

But is it possible for us to change the current Message which is more on a technical side for a business users to something more userfriendly?






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Definately agree with you there, I did not choose my wording carefully by using workaround. This is how it should be setup for your particular scenerio. As for changing the mesage, I think in 4.6.7 there is a "when form in error" rule. I have not used it when opening a worklist item so I cannot say but I dont know if the "when form in error" catches the error. If it does then you can just use that with the "advanced condition" rule. Maybe look for the error code. So if "Error" field available in the context menu contains "2098"(just an example not the real error code), Show a message ("The task is currently being actioned by another user ").


When I created my smartforms , this feature was not there. I wrote a new smartobject method called "check worklist item rights". Basically, what that method does is to takes the currentuser, shared user (if available) or managed user(if available) and then opens the worklist for that current user. Different K2 API methods (overloaded methods)must be called according to what parameters are passed in to "check worklist item rights" method. put all code in a try and catch block and if no exception occurs whent he task is opened then reutns success. IF exception occurs (i compare the error codes and return a friendly message accordingly. 


THen in the forms before you use the out of the box "open worklist item" rue. Call this custom "check worklist item rights" method. If it returns "success", then call the open worklist item rule if not then display the outcome in a message box or redirect user to another form and pass the outcome i the query string.


Hope this helps 

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No, you can't change the exception raised by the workflow engine.  As @s0m3one suggested, you have to catch the exception in your application layer.  We use ASP.NET WebForms for our front end forms, so we trap this (and other) exceptions and display a different error messages to the user based on the error code generated by K2. Obivously, the except procedure will depend on what your application layer is.


For your reference, here are some other common error codes we handle:


26030: Thrown when another user has opened the worklist item.


24411: Thrown when a user attempts to open a worklist item that has already been closed.  Happens all the time with email notifications that sit in a user's mailbox for a day or two before they take action.


28018: Thrown when a user attempts to open a worklist item that is not assigned to them.  Happens sometimes when, e.g. a user forwards the notification they got to another user for approval because they think K2 will allow another user to approve a request while they are on vacation, for instance.

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The error cdes tat I have collected seems to be slightly different: Here are my findings:


26030 = If the task has expired his task has expired
26031 = When task is allocated to another user

24411 = Task has been actioned by another user


Not trying to confuse you, just wondering if this is written in stone somewhere.

Maybe the K2 devs can kindly provide us with a comprehensive list of error codes when calling the open worklist method.


Thanks in advance

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Useful info.


Seems like I have asked this before but didn't get very far.

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Its a "secret". lol.  I would've thought it wouldnt be too difficult to provide tbh as those error codes that K2 wrote. Surely there is a list somewhere of all these error code. Would help a lot if these were available to us.
