Star rating (0-5) column type

  • 17 March 2016
  • 3 replies

Badge +2

Has anyone worked with the Rating (0-5) column type in a Nintex Form?  It displays fine in the list view, but Nintex Forms doesn't even recognize the column exists. 

Since this appears to be a bug or feature that no longer works with this type of column, are there known workarounds or code snippets available to display star ratings in a form?

3 replies

Badge +16

did you find a workaround/solution?

Badge +9

How to implement more than one rating?

Badge +2

I was able to implement a hybrid workaround in SP2013 based on the provided solution but does not use the OOTB rating column.


1. I created a choice column "Star Rating" and entered following choices in this exact order: 5,4,3,2,1

2. In Nintex set CSS class on the choice column "Star Rating" to acidjs-rating-stars

3. Then added the folllowing to Form Settings Custom CSS:

.acidjs-rating-stars,.acidjs-rating-stars label::before{    display: inline-block;} .acidjs-rating-stars label:hover,.acidjs-rating-stars label:hover ~ label{    color: #f5b301;} .acidjs-rating-stars *{    margin: 0;    padding: 0;} .acidjs-rating-stars input{    display: none;} .acidjs-rating-stars{    unicode-bidi: bidi-override;    direction: rtl;} .acidjs-rating-stars label{    color: #ccc;} .acidjs-rating-stars label::before{    content: "2605";    width: 28px;    line-height: 28px;    text-align: center;    font-size: 28px;    cursor: pointer;} .acidjs-rating-stars input:checked ~ label{    color: #f5b301;} .acidjs-rating-disabled{    opacity: .50;         -webkit-pointer-events: none;    -moz-pointer-events: none;    pointer-events: none;}


Shortcoming here is that only the selected star highlights rather than all less than star selected.  The other solution is, as someone else noted, instead of using a choice column use a rich text control and apply custom html as noted earlier in this same thread.  But shortcoming here is the value is not submitted in the form.


Anyone else have a better solution or workaround for this?

