Repeating controls in javascript script issue

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Hi All,

I have  stored the value of a textbox in repeating control  by "Store Client ID in JavaScript variable". In JavaScript I am trying to set the attribute for making the textbox read-only depending upon the value in query string but its is just getting applied on the last row textbox in case of multiple rows. How can I apply the attribute to all textboxes in multiple rows.?

7 replies

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If you apply a css class to the control you can set them all at the same time using the class instead of the id to identify them in script.


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I want to make them read only and I am not able to do that with css

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If you try something like this after adding a CSS class of myTextBox to the single line text control it should work...

NWF$(".myTextBox input").attr('readonly', true);


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The script is not working in repeating control textbox

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Which version of Nintex are you using? I've tried it in a form repeating section and it works for me.



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Hi Jan,

My apologies. Actually the rule based on one column condition and somehow it failed due to which the code didn't execute. Now the things are working fine

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That's great, glad it's all working for you.
