Different Destinations for Dev and Prod

  • 8 March 2007
  • 1 reply
  • 1 view

I would like to specify a destination (an AD group) for each step in my process, but have a different destination used in a development, testing, and production environments.

For example, a process step will route to the "Managers" AD group when the process is running in production, but will route to the originator (the developer) when the process is running on the development server. We obviously don t want the entire managers group notified about every test case run through on the development server, nor do we want to have to change every destination when moving a process from Development to Test and on to Production.

Any thoughts? Am I missing something simple? An obvious solution seems to be to create multiple destinations for each step and set a destination rule for each to look at a process level variable to determine if we should be using dev or prod destinations, but this feels like a hack

Anyone have any ideas?


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If you have access to the K2 portal - there is a kb on this - kb 163

If not - here is the jist.
- create a straing table value (environ) that stores a variable the says which environment you are in
- then go to the destination rule and define 2 destinations -one with your dev group and one with your prod group
- then right click on the destination - modify the rules for the destination - put in a rule that checks your string table value for which environment you are in, for the dev dest rule - say fire this destination when environ = "dev"
and for the prod destination when environ = "prod"

Then you should be able to deploy to either env and have destinations defined once.
