The format of the specified domain name is invalid

  • 11 February 2008
  • 2 replies

Badge +1

Anyone seen this error in the K2 console before? If so how did you resolve it?

 "8060 ProcessPacket Error, The format of the specified domain name is invalid"

 I am getting this in a dev environment install. Web Designer works and SmartObjects are available.

I have not yet configured multiple DataSources though i am planning to once this error is resolved.

Dev Environment:

2 MOSS frontend servers (Windows 2003 sp2 w/IIS 6 & MOSS 2007)
1 SQL backend (Windows 2003 sp2 w/IIS 6 and SQL 2005 sp2 w/Reporting service)
1 K2 Blackpearl standalone server (Windows 2003 sp2 w/IIS 6 and K2 Blackpearl sp1)

Overview of DEV K2 install:
A single service account is used for K2 services and applications pools. K2 components are installed on their respective servers.
Kerberos is configured w/SPNs set.
The MOSS components and the core K2 components installed without issue.
Database connectivity was successful and no errors were reported for these two components.

2 replies

Badge +7

I have seen this error, but a long time ago, when I was dealing with Windows 2000 integration with WIndows server 2003 domain controllers.

although it seems obvious, "A domain name can have up to 15 characters and cannot include spaces."

it might also be worth checking out the DNS settings if you are running DNS on the machine where you host the K2 server.

I think it's likely that a typo has creeped in somewhere when you are defining your environment templates, check out in K2 Workspace > Management Console -> Environments -> Templates -> [your template]

ensure all the values are as you expect.

i'll be reading this post closely as it's been an age since i've seen that particular error message


Edit: also see for previous comment on this issue :-D

Badge +1

from a brief review of the link you included it looks like the issue has something to do with the way i start the console.

In the Dev environment i used the same service account for all aspects of K2, Sharepoint and App pools. I am also starting the K2 console with this same service account.

I have not looked into the reason but it appears this may be whats causing the "The format of the specified domain name is invalid" error.

Thanks for your point in the right direction!


