Unable to Checkin Form

  • 11 September 2015
  • 0 replies

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Cannot check in a form with any user.


This came down to the form being checked out by a user that was not at the company anymore.



Here are 2 Scripts that can Force Check in or Undo Checkout.
Please take a backup of your K2 Database before running this script.
So Force Checkin will keep changes
Undo Checkout will undo the check out and remove changed.

DECLARE @MyTable Form.ContextTableType

INSERT INTO @MyTable([ID], [Type])
VALUES ('471bca9e-fe8f-46c1-baff-b07953ae9c81', 'V') -- Replace the ID with the View ID

exec [Form].[aCheckInContexts] @UserID='UserName', @ContextData=@MyTable -- Replace 'UserName' with the actual username

exec Form.aUndoFormsCheckOut @UserID = 'UserName', @IDs = '6CD94F9B-D3EC-49CE-8B73-393FD8F85088'
-- Replace 'UserName' with actual username
-- Replace ID with actual Form ID


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