Send Email Action - Send to multiple

  • 29 April 2021
  • 4 replies



I am trying to configure a send email action within Nintex for 365.


The email control is within a run if action and if a certain division is selected from the form then i would like to email 3 people. 


Hoe do I add multiple email addresses to the one control? 


I have tried separating the email addresses with , ; and just a space and neither work. 


Any help would be appreciated. 





4 replies

Maybe this one could help you

Userlevel 4
Badge +10

Don't put your email value directly in the action send email.

fill a string variable with your email separated by ;

and then use this variable in your send email action 

Userlevel 1
Badge +6

What I usually do with something like this is to create a SharePoint list that contains the values for the divisions, and add a people field to the list with the names of the people who need to be contacted. I use this list as the drop-down to choose the division.  Then just have the workflow lookup the contacts based on the division selected. Just make sure to set the division field to only accept unique values.


This way if the people change, you do not need to update the workflow. You can allow everyone or just certain people to update the division list as needed. Doing it this way also makes it handy to quickly change the contacts if someone is on vacation or leave so they don't need to contact you every time.

Not sure this is relevant?
