K2 role

  • 14 September 2008
  • 1 reply
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I have got an issue with the K2 roles used in our application.



·         A K2 Role exists in the system, the role is named “Role1”

·         An AD user exists, he is named “user1”, and it belongs to Role1

·         At the time T1 the user “user1” starts a new process called “process1”

·         “user1” retrieve a worklist containing the item “process1”


·         A second existing AD user, named “user2” is included within the K2 Role “Role1”

·         Elapsed the cache refreshing interval (10 minutes), the “user2” cannot retrieve the list containing the old “process1” item. It retrieves an empty list

·         “user1” can still retrieve the worklist containing the “process1” item


·         “user1” creates a new process called “process2”

·         “user1” retrieves a worklist items containing both “process1” and “process2”

·         “user2” retrieves a worklist items containing only “process2”


It seems that after a new user is created and added to a role, it cannot see the old items associated with the role.

All the items created after the user creation are seen correctly.



1 reply

Badge +9
Did you happen to set any advanced destination rule options for the activities in question?  If so, what did you set in the "Destination Rule Options" dialog (which only appears when in Advanced Mode)?
