Nintex Flexi Task Escalation Feature

  • 10 August 2022
  • 1 reply

We're using Nintex 2013, and I have a flexi task set up so that reminders are sent every 10 business days, 3 reminders total. On the escalation screen, it says "Time to Escalation" and then has the days/hours/minutes fields. Is the time calculated from the end of the reminders, or from the original task assigned date? The documentation says, "Escalation occurs after all reminders have been sent and the specified "Time to escalation" has elapsed." That's a little ambiguous to me.


1 reply

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I read the explanation: The Escalation settings govern the optional escalation behavior after all reminders have been sent and the specified time to escalation has elapsed.


(reminders have been sent) + (specified time to escalation) = total time before escalation type fires


(10 days x 3 reminders = 30 days) + (5 days to wait) = 35 days total then => [none, delegate task, complete task]


That's how I interpret the escalation settings @SohamMaoor. I have no idea if that is correct.




