How would I get the modified date of a document contained in a docset

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I have a workflow which must pause, until a document within a docset of the same list has been modified.

Is there a simple way of doing this?

2 replies

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Hi Julian,

not sure if this can be done more streamlined but here is an idea for a workaround:

Create a workflow that starts when the document is edited (you can use either start conditions or filters to let the workflow only start on specific documents/properties changed). Create some single text line column inside your list and let the workflow write something back like "Document edited" to the item your main workflow is running on. In your main workflow you can use a "Wait for field change in current item" and configure it to wait until your new column equals "Document edited".

Might produce some overhead but should be quite simple to realize.

If you cannot use "Wait for field change in current item" because you are missing a connection between the item the workflow is running on and the document in the docset, you can use a loop and check via "query list" action if the field has been set. If not you can pause your wf for some minutes otherwise you can exit the loop.



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Hi Philip,

Many thanks for this however when I tried your method I wasn't able to write back to the main list. I added the column in the docset hopin gto be able to set it but it didnt work...althought the history shows it has updated it. I'm just using a set filed in current item.....should I be doing another way?


