Known Issue: SmartObject property file is a required property for selected method Execute

  • 16 February 2021
  • 0 replies


Known Issue: Behavioral change in browsers for  handling Cookies causes too many redirects error


K2 Cloud
K2 Five



When an attachment control is used on a view to upload a document, and the control is configured to run the execute method of a SQL Stored Procedure ServiceObject; and the input property is mapped with a file parameter an error occurs at runtime when the file is attached. The error is displayed as the control is expecting a SmartObject property with the type file and not bound to a file parameter type. 


Error Code

SmartObject property file is a required property for selected method Execute. Value must be set



The steps below show you how to resolve this issue by changing the mapping from a file parameter type to a SmartObject property type.

  1. Open K2 Designer, browse to the ServiceObject in the ServiceObject explorer. Edit the Execute method of the ServiceObject 19277iE59E14DE154A1174.png19278i82AD992F33D994A3.png
  2. Edit the input property for the file and change the mapping to a SmartObject       Property and click Create.19281i34E5D020CD5B6F5F.png19282iF3AF6F8BB3C92B41.png
  3. Give the property a name, click OK and Finish to save the changes.19283iCEFF60FDA6180511.png
  4. Select the View with the Attachment Control, Check out and edit  the View.
  5. Navigate to the Rules of the View (you will notice the rule action has been badged as it used the old property), select that Rule.19284i5BBCEE4C889DE457.png19285i9C9DD54753EB45D3.png
  6. Click Configure on the Action that uses the File parameter.19286i5B8F54FFFEDEFF91.png
  7. Map the File Attachment from the Context Browser to the new property you created.19287i2C34FED75C39CA5E.png
  8. Click Finish, OK and Finish to save changes.

    Test the view by uploading a file to the control

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