How to start a workflow with multiple views

Badge +6


I have a infopath form which is having 6 views in it. I want to start the workflow on view 1, 2 & 3, these views are for 3 diffferent types of users. 

How can i make a specific view as a link to the user.

Need help.



4 replies

Badge +6

It is very simple in K2. you need use InfoPath integration wizard and destination user concept.

Badge +9

Take 3 infopath client events and each is provided with different views and destination users, then whenever the worklist item is created, destination user will get that particular view only.

Badge +6

Thanks for your reply. May be i did not communicated my scenario properly.

Here is the scenario: I want the workflow to start either from 1st, 2nd or 3rd view (1st level), i.e 3 views for 3 different type of users. 4th view = level1 approval. 5th view = level2 approval. 6th view = final approval.

If the workflow starts by filling the 2nd view then the 1st level approval shold be skipped, if the workflow starts by filling the 3rd view then the 1st & 2nd level approvals should be skipped.



Badge +3

You'll need multiple activities, Line Events, InfoPath Client Events, and Configured Outcomes. So the Starting Activity will have 3 Lines that lead it to 3 sub Activities: Approval Level1 Activity, Approval Level 2 Activity, Approval Level 3 Activity.

The IP form will have to set a distinct K2 Action Value that will direct the workflow to the correct Sub Activity. So if the IP form Submits with a K2 Action value of "Action_Level1", the Line Event that leads to "Approval Level 1 Activity" will look for an Outcome value of "Action_Level1". In the "Approval Level 1 Activity" you will add an InfoPath Form Client Event and configure to Open up View #4.

