Drag and drop for dest. rules GONE!!!

  • 26 July 2004
  • 1 reply

After installing SP1 for K2 Studio the drag and drop for destination rules is no longer working. We can add code and that seems to work fine but we have no drag and drop. This only applies to active directory users, we still can add destination queues.
However we can not add users to the destination queue!

What went wrong?

Thanks in advance

K2 Workflow Benelux

1 reply

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Go to your K2 installation folder and open the K2Studio.config file.
The datasource node should have a NetBiosName attribute that is more that likely missing.

It should look something like this:

<DataSource Path="LDAP://DC=MyDomain,DC=com" Type="ActiveDirectory" NetBiosName=" MyDomain"/>

Confirm that your K2Server.config file has the NetBiosName attribute.
