How to recreate a Group Provider via modifying the Database

  • 24 February 2022
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How to recreate a Group Provider via modifying the Database


K2 blackpearl 4.7
This article was created in response to a support issue logged with K2. The content may include typographical errors and may be revised at any time without notice. This article is not considered official documentation for K2 software and is provided "as is" with no warranties.
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To recreate a Group Provider in-case an issue occurs.

Before You Begin

Make sure you have access to your K2 Database and have the necessary permissions to be able to edit it.


PLEASE remember to back up the database before making any changes.

How-to Steps

1) Go into the K2 Database and navigate to the [HostServer].[GroupProvider] table. Check to make sure the site's Group Provider is there that you wish to recreate.


2) Run a DELETE query to remove the entry for the GroupProvider that has the incomplete XML. It should look like:



DELETE FROM K2.HostServer.GroupProvider

WHERE GroupProviderID = 'GUID'



The GUID will be the GroupProviderID for the site. This will delete the entry. Confirm it is deleted by re-running the SELECT query on the table.


3) Go into SharePoint and navigate to the App Catalog. Click the 'K2 blackpearl for SharePoint' app, scroll down, and select the Registration Wizard to run it.


4) After you finish the Registration Wizard, hit Finish and it will return you to the App page. On this page, select "Manage App Activations". In the Activation box, type in the site URL (you should see it in the Uninstall box below it, ignore it there and reactivate by putting the URL in the Activate box).


5) This will run the Activation for the Site. It should complete fast as it is already Activated. At the bottom where it lists the Sites and Subsites, the 'Activation Status' should say 'Activated'.
Select "Activate All" on the screen, which will force reactivate the sites. You can tell it is working if the 'Activation Status' changes to "To Activate".


6) After it is finished, navigate back to the SQL database and rerun the SELECT query on the K2.HostServer.GroupProvider table and confirm the entry has been recreated.

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