Using Picker Control with Parameterized WebService SmartObject

  • 23 February 2017
  • 1 reply



First of all, thanks for your attention.


I have a WebService which takes part of the address and zip code and returns matching addresses. I have wrapped it around SmartObject and want to use it in Autopopulate or Picker control. Autopopulate is out of question because it doesnt allow to pass parameters. I'm trying to use Picker control to achieve this. When I click on the elipses button next to Method in Configure Data Source, I get the option to configure parameters. In one of the parameters I want to pass what user entered in the picker control, dragging picker control to this parameter from Context Browser doesn't seem to pass the keyed in text to the parameter. When I try to resolve it I get error saying 'SmartObject property is a required property. Value must be set'. Looks like control will not have any value set until it resolved.


Can anyone throw in some insights into this? Any workarounds or better approach will be greatly appreciated. Please see attached screenshot.





1 reply

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Hello ManjuKP

User guide on how to use K2 SO Picker Control can be accessed via this URL here;
Furthermore referential on the similar error that is displayed on your attached screenshot can be obtained from the following URL; as part of the suggested solution.
