REST Service Instance SmartObjects only returning HTTP response Codes

  • 29 November 2017
  • 4 replies

  • Anonymous
  • 0 replies

If you are running into an issue where your REST based SmartObjects are only returning the HTTP response code and no data, or the data is blank, there is a simple fix. This issue is related to having a strange character or . (Period) character in the Service Instance System Name. This causes the K2 REST Broker to be confused and have a tough time returning values, only returning empty values and the HTTP Response code.








Simply recreate the REST Service Broker not using a strange character. Also recreate your smartobjects and you should see the SmartObjects returning all the correct data.





4 replies

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Thank you for sharing this information.

For more information about REST please look at our online documentation here.



I get issues in K2 Five with using REST.


I have followed the Open Weather Map example (which can be found as a video here:


I have used exact same data as shown in tutorial and get no data back, I actually only appear to get 0 as the HttpStatusCode?


This website ( states the following:

The REST Broker currently only supports portions of the Swagger v2 specification


The OpenWeather descriptor file is Swagger v2 - is this the reason why?


Can anyone confirm that this example still works in K2 Five?






I am experiencing same issue, the rest api only returns the Response code without the response body.


Could you share more tips on how i could get this resolved.



anyone find a good tutorial on this? im stuck too.
