Problem with the File Attachment control

  • 28 September 2015
  • 2 replies

Badge +3


In my process I recieve a pdf file via a web service. The file is sent as byte array and I store it in a binary data field. I tried to convert it to a string and send it as the following string : <file><name>some_name.pdf></name><content>string_content</content></file> to the file attachment control that I have on my smartform but it doesn't work. The file is shown as a string and if I click on the control nothing happens.

I also tried using the expression Get File From content.
What can I do? I know the type (string) of the datafield is the problem.

Thank you in advance,

Edit: I also tried sending an xml field to the file attachment control but no use. Is there a way to convert the string data field to File type before sending it to the File attachment control?

2 replies

Badge +5



I assume that you convert the binary to base64 string.


As far as I understand, if the SmartObject you are using is drawing the base64 string column value, you just need to ensure that the corresponding SmartObject property's type is set to "File" will do.





Badge +4


I was doing the same and I had faced the same issue. 



string fileDetails = "<file><name>{0}</name><content>{1}</content></file>";

string myString;

using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream))
      byte[] bin = br.ReadBytes(Convert.ToInt32(fileUpload1.PostedFile.InputStream.Length));
      myString = Convert.ToBase64String(bin);


 // This code is working fine for myTable table that is a custom table

CustomDB_MyDB_dbo_MyTable svcFileObj = new CustomDB_MyDB_dbo_MyTable();
svcFileObj.Data = string.Format(fileDetails, fileUpload1.FileName, myString.ToString()); // Data is a nvarchar(max) field
svcFileObj.Extension = ".txt";
svcFileObj.Name = fileUpload1.FileName;

CustomDB_MyDB_dbo_MyTableSvcClient svcFileObj = new CustomDB_MyDB_dbo_MyTableSvcClient();
svcFileObj.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation;



Asad Naeem
