K2 4.7 workflow and SharePoint 2013: Grant users access on folder level in a document library

  • 14 March 2019
  • 7 replies

Hi all,

I want to know if there is a way to grant specific users access to only certain folders within a document library in SharePoint 2013 using a K2 workflow? 


7 replies

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You can use  the following link to grand specific access to users: https://help.k2.com/onlinehelp/k2five/userguide/current/default.htm#LegacyDesigntools/Workflow/Thin-Client-Wizards/Libraries_Wizards/Add_Lib_Perm/Add_Lib_Perm.htm or click Here


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Hi Elvis,


If I grant them permission on library level, will they not see/access ALL the folders in the library?  They should only be able to see specific folders to which they have permission to, not all folders in the library.





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see attached screenshot, you can setup the highlighted category to be accessed by a specific user 



Let me quickly give you an idea of how the process will work......  This is a new request that we are currently busy developing....


So, basically what will happen is the following:

1. User completes a K2 smartform with certain information regarding a new qualification that needs to be registered.

2. User uploads relevant documentation in the K2 smartform.

3. User specify additional users who need to have access to the uploaded documentation (point 2.) for this new qualification request.


On submit of the form, the following rules are applied:

1.  The form data is saved to a SQL database table.

2.  A new folder is created in a 'New Qualfication Request' document library in SharePoint 2013 for the newly submitted qualfication request.

3. The uploaded files/documents of the submitted form is then uploaded to this new folder in the SharePoint document library.

4.  A workflow then needs to go and grant the user(s) that was indicated in the new qualification request read only rights on that specific folder (not other folders that were previously created in the same document library with other requests) 


Sorry, I think you misunderstood - the screenprint that you attached - if I'm not mistaken, this is to grant specific users access to a K2 smartform folder / form?....















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click the below link, on the left hand side click download button and check how to set permissions or click Here






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