How do I allow a user to select multiple dates in a calendar control? Or input multiple dates easily?

  • 4 November 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi, I’m trying to create a solution that allows the user to input or select multiple dates on the smartform. I’m building this in K2 Designer. I’m thinking about creating a table specifically for the inputted dates, and each record will will to a single record in the parent table.


If the calendar control does not allow me to do this, what’s the next best way for me to achieve this? I note that this is for scheduling days of office drop-ins each month, and the user will need to input/select about 5-10 individual dates per form submission.

1 reply

Hello @mitch 


I’m not sure if this is what you’re after, but this custom control might be better fit for the logic you’re after:


