Get Destination User in code behind of client event

  • 15 August 2008
  • 2 replies

Badge +4

In the code behind of a client event the following code is run to add a worklist item for a user. How can I determine who the destination user is within this function? 


void SendWorkToInternet(object sender, EventArgs e) {

string strURL = K2.Configuration.InternetUrl;

strURL = strURL.Replace(

"{SERIALNO}", K2.SerialNumber);

K2.AddWorklist(K2.Configuration.InternetPlatform, System.Web.




Mike Trouard

2 replies

Badge +4

you can't :) this is the client event not the destination rule.

view code of the destination rule.

Badge +8

Hi Mike,

If your Destination Rule is configured as Plan Once and your destination is a group of people like a K2 Role, this will not work, see my post:,

However, if the Destination rule is configured as Plan per Destination, you can use  K2.ActivityInstanceDestination.User


