K2 worklist retrieval is extremely slow

  • 22 September 2013
  • 15 replies

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Hi all!

We have a serious slowness issue on our K2 blackpearl host server.

When I try to retrive my worklst items from the server host, it takes 1-2 minutes only to tell me I have nothing in my worklist.

I wrote a piece of code to check if opening the connection is the issue, but I found that I am able to connet immediately. I don't know why is the delay despite I am being on the server itself.

Below are some details:

1. The K2 black server is running on 4 GB RAM.

2. K2 blackpearl version is 0807 4.8210.3.615

3. Attached is the code I used for testing.


Thank you so much!


15 replies

Badge +10

Hi Hussain

Does the K2 Workspace management or worklist listing user worklists also perform slowly? 

Does opening a task using your account (instead of the K2Service account) through the API suffer the same performance lag?

If so unless there are some obvious server load issues I have seen in the past that a restart of the K2 blackpearl Service can resolve slow worklist responsiveness.

Another thing to keep in mind is that the version of K2 blackpearl you listed is very outdated.  At least by a couple years and  K2 has done a lot of work on worklist and server performance (assuming that server load is an issue) besides adding a lot of additional features. 

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Hi there!

It is slow everywhere actually. And it is slow with my account too.

Have tried restarting the service blackpearl service many times but with no avail..


Thank you.


Badge +6

Hi Hussain

Enable full logging on the K2HostServer and try to analyse the logs for the timeframe of the worklist loading. May be there is a rouge process instance that is looping continuously.

Badge +3

Hello Sujeeth,

I have enabled full logging and attached the file.

I have basically tried the previous script and it is still taking alot of time. One thing I noticed in the log that the k2service is authenticating for many sessions!

Thank you for your reply!




Badge +6

Do you have lot of Roles? If so, are they Static or Dynamic. How is membership of these Roles configured. Do they have smartobjects or just AD groups/users

The logs show a lot of smartobject calls. Any reason you can think of?

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Yes, we ahve alot of roles defined. But I am not sure by what you meant about the roles configurations. Where can I find these details?

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Also, we have a workflow solution that is not being used at all in production.

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are the Roles -  Static or Dynamic?

As you know, Roles must have some members. How is membership of these Roles configured. Do they have smartobjects or just AD groups/users

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We have mainly dynamic customized roles, which are linked to smart objects,  to decide actions on the work flow level.

These roles are basically users roles, that are extracted from active directory.

For example:

Workflow action item 1 if initated, it will go to a group of people worklists. Those users are defined on the smart object level and they are not AD groups, though they are AD users.




Badge +6

That is your problem. Dynamic roles refreshing the membership constantly and making smartobject calls. Consider reducing the number of Dynamic roles or make them static. Also consider increasing the cache timeout from default 10min to 30min or 1 hour

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So, is removing those smart objects for the 2 dormant workflow soutions that we have will help?

Although all the workflows are sharing the same smart objects. But I meant removing the SO from within the solutions, or disabling them at least.


Thank you so much for your help.


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removing smartobjects from dormant workflows will NOT help. Try the options I suggested in my previous post.

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Dear Sujeeth,


We ran into a serious issue of k2 not responding when I started to mark Roles as dynamic. I am still not clear here.

Please tell me what the below mean:

1. Role1 marked as dynamic, with Interval (minutes) = 0

2. Role1 marked as dynamic, with Interval (minutes) > 0

3. Role1 Un-marked as dynamic, with Interval (minutes) = 0

4. Role1 Un-marked as dynamic, with Interval (minutes) > 0


Thank you so much!

Badge +6

1. Role1 marked as dynamic, with Interval (minutes) = 0

K2HostServer.exe will try to refresh the membership of the role without any interval. Basically this will KILL the server because it is constantly busy refreshing the role. You should NEVER use this option.

2. Role1 marked as dynamic, with Interval (minutes) > 0

K2HostServer.exe will try to refresh the membership of the role every few minutes as specified. Recommended option is to set to 10min. no less than that.

3. Role1 Un-marked as dynamic, with Interval (minutes) = 0
4. Role1 Un-marked as dynamic, with Interval (minutes) > 0

Both 3 & 4 are effectively static roles. Interval option is ignored.

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So, Sujeeth, what are you saying that in option 3 and 4 above, the Smart Object will never get the latest data (in our case a sharepoint list) ?
