Unable to deserialize Json in the workflow

  • 21 December 2020
  • 3 replies


I have a Rest API service which gives response in multilayered Json format. I have created a Rest Service instance and mapped methods in a smartobject.

I am able to call the service and deseriablize all returned objects through SmartObject Tester and SmartObject methods in the Management.

However when I call the service in workflow, workflow does not deserialize the response properly. It gives System.String[] instead.

Does anyone know what is causing this issue.



Sheikh Anas 

3 replies

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I suggest you enable SmartObject logging and run your workflow again. You can then check the SmartObject logs to see what SmartObjects are being called,  what method is being executed, and what are the values being passed into your SmartObject. 



Did you resolve this? I have the same issue.


I am using the Deserialise Typed Array method to loop through objects and I get System.String[] for everything. 


I don't have any error in the logs.


Not to worry, I've solved the issue now.

The key is to ensure that the Deserialise and Deserialise Array methods on the REST SmartObject have an input Parameter. Then you pass a serialised string to it within your Workflow loop.
