SmatObject Method to Share Tasks?

  • 16 January 2019
  • 3 replies

Is there a smartobject that will allow us to share a task with another user? If so, which one is it? I don't want to use management for this as I'd like to automate the sharing of tasks through a form.

3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +16



Perhaps you can use the Task system smartobject (SystemManagementUsersSmartObjects) GetWorklistItem and DelegateWorklistItem methods to achieve this.





Thank you for your answer but do you know how to use DelegateWorklistItem ?

All parameters is required...

Ok we can find the half with GetWorklistItem but how can we find ActInDestID,ActionName (if is empty) ? 



All is in GetWorklistItem and we just have to change Destination parameter?


Best regards

Badge +10
Activity Instance Destination ID can be found by using the ActivityInstanceDestination smartobject. You can also derive this from the K2 Serial Number, which follows the format ProcessInstanceID_ActivityDestinationInstIanceID
