What is the K2.net Out of Office?

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i am new one for k2.net,so please explain about K2.net Out of Office.


14 replies

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K2 Out of Office (aka "OoO") is a add-on component that allows for worklist tasks to be rerouted to a specified user when the orignal staff ('destination user') is not able to action workflow tasks.

Think of it as K2.net's way of handling worklist task assignments just as if K2 got an 'out of office' email reply set up by someone in Outlook ("I am out of the office Monday through Wednesday. Please contact Bob while I am away"). K2 would route tasks to Bob while you are out.

The person who will be away from the office can define who they want their tasks routed to when they are gone. All tasks will then be routed to that designated person. When the person returns, they can resume working on any tasks routed to them as usual.

I hope this helps.
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i need to see the add on component for out of office so please if any one know how to get it please replay

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The Out Of Office component is available for download from the K2.net Customer and Partner portal under the Downloads>Product Downloads section. (http://portal.k2workflow.com/downloads/product.aspx)
Before you download and install the component, please have a look at the compatibility matrix to determine which version will work with the version of K2.net 2003 you have installed (http://portal.k2workflow.com/help/k2.net%202003/K22003matrix.aspx).


The person who will be away from the office can define who they want their tasks routed to when they are gone. All tasks will then be routed to that designated person. When the person returns, they can resume working on any tasks routed to them as usual.

To add on to this,

Example. USER1 uses out of office to redirect worklist items to USER2

If the out of office isn't used USER1 will get an email along with an item in USER1 worklist.

I have found that when USER1 enables the out of office to redirect work tasks to USER2 the item gets sent to USER2 worklist but an email doesn't get send to USER2.

Has their been a patch for this? or a work around?
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I'm seeing this behavior too.  Is there any way to ensure that out of office delegates receive client event emails and the task?

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Unfortunately, this is still an issue with blackpearl 4.5 1370 and I believe 1390 as well. I recently raised this issue with K2 but I wasn't given any dates on when it will be fixed.

Surprisingly if you manually delegate a task from your worklist the email notification is sent.

One workaround I needed to develop to get around this issue, which will only works in a specific Executive and Executive Assistant scenario, was to popluate the assstant field in AD and then have it propagated to the SharePoint user profile.  I then created a smartobject against the usr profile and add the assistant as another destination user.  It was a pretty IT intensive workaround and doesn't work for ahoc OOF delegation.

Probably not the answer you were hoping for.


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No, not really what I was hoping for but thank you for the answer.  This just jumped to the top of my "K2 must fix" list.

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I started a support ticket with K2 and they told me to just upgrade to 1370 or 1390.  Based on your post, that sounds like it won't be enough.  Any thoughts?

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I'm just going to test it out.  I hope I'm wrong :). 

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No luck. 

I just did a test in 1390 and it didn't work.  I turned on the OOF for a user to forward everything to me.  I started a new process and was able to see the other user's task and action it from the K2 worklist but I didn't receive the email notification.

So based on my tests it doesn't appear upgrading to 1390 will fix this problem.



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Ugh.  Ok.  I'll try an upgrade on my end and will report my results.  Stay tuned and thank you for your help!

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I feel like I deserve an award for the torture I endured to upgrade my DEV environment to 1390.  Nevertheless, one support ticket and a whole lot of work later, I can confirm your results:  1390 does not fix this issue.

Maybe next time...

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Thanks for confirming.  1420 will be out shortly.  I'll test 1420 for a OOF email notification fix but haven't seen any indiciation that OOF email notifications are in the 1420 build but I can't say for sure until its released and I can test.  I'll post back with the results.


Userlevel 2
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I believe OOF email notification is not slated to be included until "Worklist v2", which will be a post-4.6 item.
