Form or view Pass Validation conditional

Hi there,


I am trying to see if it is possible to achieve the following:


I have a Editable view with Autosuggestion  control A  Textbox B and Textbox C. 

On add button i need to validation 

if control A has value then either control B or C have value. and i would like to achive this via wither form pass validation or view passvalidation. how conditional value we can check?


Also i try to implement below solution to remove highlited validation on add button. But it work intermediatly . How we can achive such kind of conditonal valdation using form and view validation 


3 replies


I believe this is too late to actually help, but I think you may look to using an Advanced Condition in conjunction with the Validation Rule.
Badge +8



If I understand it correctly, you can use an advance validation then try the codes from the attachment.





Hi Tan,


Kindly take a look at the below link for the documentation on Control validation



