SmartObject Error When Calling View

  • 5 January 2016
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When attempting access a SmartObject generated from a SQL Server Service Instance the follow error appears:

"Invalid object name 'database.scheme.tablename'"


This is due to the SQL database from the Service Instance being on a different server than the K2 database.


1. Run the Smartobject Service Tester Tool located at C:Program Files(x86)K2 blackpearlBin on the K2 server

2. Find the service instance of your database under 'SQL Server Service'

3. Right click on it and 'Edit Service Instance'

4. Change the 'Use Native SQL Execution - Required' = false and change 'On Different SQL Server - Required' = true

5. Hit 'Next' and then 'Update'

6. Test the execution of the List method again.


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