[SmartForms 4.6.11] List View row counting and validation.

  • 25 January 2016
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 3
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Here's a guide showing how to count the number of rows in a List View and require that there is at least one row before submitting.  To enable on-the-fly List View row validation, please see the 'Applying Validation Patterns to Views' section in this documentation.








- Create a rowCount parameter of type Number. 


- Via the expression editor, create an expression that uses the [+] operator to add '1' to rowCount.


- The For loop iterates through all items and adds the total into rowCount.


- You can nest all of your form-submission logic under the Advanced Condition that checks if rowCount > 0.


- Under the else statement, you can add a message that warns the user that the form will not be submitted until they add a row.


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