Receiving error when trying to Generate Forms(like the new, edit and display forms) on a previously appified list or library

  • 23 February 2017
  • 0 replies

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When trying to generate smartforms (like the new, edit and display forms) on a previously appified list or library the following error is thrown:
SmartObject propert K2_Int_SmartObjectSystemName is required property for selected method GenerateSmartFormsForSharePointList Value must be set.


The issue here is some time back MS introduced changed in behavior with the New SP UI in the way they pass URLs meaning the added a / at the end and this causes miss matches on the category registered in K2. The original issue was that after you Appify a list using the New UI and you browse away and go back it?s like the list is not Appified due to this miss match.

This is the same issue just in a different part of the stack.


We provided an isolated patch for this on top of Appit 1.5 Update 2. This fix will be in the next Appit update and Blackpearl CU


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