How to log from custom smo C# code

  • 21 February 2017
  • 0 replies

Badge +7



I activated all the logs (either in HostServerLogging.config and in K2HostServer.exe.config ) to be able using C# Trace.WriteLine("csi1234567") and retrieve the track string in a log file. But I failed trying this.
How could I achieve this?


When you wrote a Service broker, it's not possible to write on the K2 Standard log file.


For the Trace function from System.Diagnostics, According,, it seems that you need to use
Create the TextWriterTraceListener objects for the Console window (tr1) and for a text file named Output.txt (tr2), and then add each object to the Debug Listeners collection:
TextWriterTraceListener tr1 = new TextWriterTraceListener(System.Console.Out)

TextWriterTraceListener tr2 = new TextWriterTraceListener(System.IO.File.CreateText("Output.txt"))

For your information, we generally write directly on the event viewer with this type of code:

class Common
You common constant:
public const String ServiceInstanceName ....
public const String ServiceInstanceDisplayName ....
public const String ServiceInstanceDescription =....
public static Boolean debugMode
private static DateTime startDate
private static TimeSpan time
private static bool sourceChecked=false
private static string sSource = Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().GetName().Name //Source with the name of the current project

/// Allow to save log in EventViewer (Application section), the source is the name of the current project
/// This call just initialise the start in order to display at the end of the execution the execution time
/// Example for use:
/// Common.LogInEventViewer() --Start will be initialize (no log)
/// .....You code
/// Common.LogInEventViewer(String.Format("SQL count: {0}", countFound), end:true) //end:true Will display the duration time
public static void LogInEventViewer()
startDate = DateTime.Now

/// Allow to save log in EventViewer (Application section), the source is the name of the current project
///Value to log in event viewer
///To be set to true if it's you want to define the start of the execution in order to calculate the execution time
///To be set to true if it's you want to define the end of the execution in order to calculate the execution time. In this case, the duration time will be displayed
/// Example for use 1 - With calculation of the execution time:
/// Common.LogInEventViewer() --Start will be initialize (no log)
/// .....You code
/// Common.LogInEventViewer(String.Format("SQL count: {0}", countFound), end:true) //end:true Will display the duration time
/// Example for use 2 - Without calculation of the execution time:
/// Common.LogInEventViewer(String.Format("SQL count: {0}", countFound))
public static void LogInEventViewer(string value, Boolean start=false, Boolean end=false)
if (!debugMode)

string AddString=""

if (start)
startDate = DateTime.Now

if (end)
time = DateTime.Now - startDate
AddString = String.Format("
Started at {0}, ended at {1}.
Duration: {2}s and {3}ms", startDate.ToString("HH:mm:ss"), DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss"), time.Seconds, time.Milliseconds.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'))
EventLogEntryType typeLog = EventLogEntryType.Information
if (value.ToLower().Contains("error)"))
typeLog = EventLogEntryType.Error

///Create the source if not exists(
if (sourceChecked==false andand !EventLog.SourceExists(sSource))
EventLog.CreateEventSource(sSource, "Application")
sourceChecked = true

EventLog.WriteEntry(sSource, value + AddString, typeLog)


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