Event ID 64007 in Event Viewer, certain users not returning A/D info when making calls to A/D

  • 17 March 2017
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There are at least 2 user accounts that do not return any data when we try to pull user detail information using the AD service. For instance, i recently created a form with two views, on view lists all users from A/D and when you click any of them the secod view displays all the groups they are a member of. This works with everyone but the two users, those two users don't return anything. I also notice this error in the Application log, ChrisN is one of the users that is not returning data. 64007 Provider did not return a result for K2:DENALLIXBob on GetUser







Issue identified as a known issue on 4.7 where UMUser SMO cannot resolve user when there is a AD object, ie computer object, that have the name as the user object (username). Provided customer with fix by setting TranslateWithDirectoryServices=False to the roleinit > run net stop "K2 blackpearl Server" andand net start "K2 blackpearl Server". Customer resolved the issue by renaming the computer object to something else that doesn't match the username.




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