64007 Provider did not return a result for K2:DomainUser on GetUser

  • 28 April 2015
  • 0 replies




64007 Provider did not return a result for K2:DOMAINUser on GetUser







To isolate root cause of this error It is necessary to have a look at log files which contain this error for this specific user. Frequently this error goes along with additional log entries which may contain more details as to why "Provider did not return a result", for example it could be something like "The specified account does not exist" or "The specified account is disabled".




To investigate this further it is necessary to check:


1) Does this user still exist in AD DS and if yes whether his account is enabled or not?
2) Run the following SQL query against K2 DB - we need to have a look at the output:






FROM [K2].[Identity].[Identity]






In case this user disabled/removed in AD he also has to be disabled in K2. But if some of active processes referencing this deleted/disabled user you are likely going to get this error in logs.








Make sure that none of your processes are referncing users which are disabled/removed in AD DS. Also make sure that all users which removed/disabled in AD DS are disabled in K2 identity cache.




You may use SQL script below to disable user in K2 identity cache manually.




WARNING: Always perform backup of K2 database before any direct changes in it. Only perform such changes when you have full understanding of what you are doing and what is your rollback plan. In case you are not sure engage with K2 support for assistance.


The following query may be used to check cached entry for specific account:






FROM [K2].[Identity].[Identity]




* You may need to modify the query above to match the K2 database name for your environment.
If the user account is still cached in the Identity table and enabled (Enabled=1) as per the result of the query above while it is disabled/removed in AD DS, you may try to disable this user manaully by running th SQL query below:




UPDATE [Identity].[Identity]


SET Enabled = 0, Resolved = 0, ContainersResolved = 0




WARNING: Always take a backup of your K2 database before running any modify/update queries against it.

It's important to understand that the error will still be present in your log files if the user is still being referenced in any of your process instance.






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