One IPC event for each destination user

Badge +7


I need to achieve the following scenario:

1 user start a process.

X users must review originator's work in a iterative way (each time a reviewer makes a comment, originator must answer it and it goes back to the reviewer)

The problem is that I don't want to wait that each reviewer has done his task to complete the activity. Each time a reviewer makes a comments and completes his task, the process should go to the originator to answer the comments.

I then thinked about an IPC event. But I would like to launch as many IPC as users involved to be sure to have independant and parallel review process.

How can I achieve that?

Do I need to precise that it is urgent Wink

6 replies

Badge +4


I think I have done this before.

In the activity hosting the IPC event, simply apply a destination rule to it and K2 should fire as many IPC processes as many destinations are assigned.

You need to do some custom codes telling each IPC instance who the approver it will use. 

Hope this helps.


Badge +5

Hi TanguyALSY,

What you can do is creating a couple different succedding rules on your "Reviewer" Activity.  Please let me know if this works for you or if you need any more informaiton.

On your Reviewer activity add datafield called "Status".  Start of by creating the succedding rule that routes back to the originator in case any of the reviewers set status equal "Request More Information".  Create a new succedding rule and in the first variable field point to your Status activity datafield. For the logical function specify "at least" and in logical data specify the value 1.  For comparison operator select the equals sign and in second variable specify "Request More Information".   Now if any of your reviewers submit a "Status" of "Request More Information" this activity will finish and you can route it appropriately using lines.

Second, add another succedding rule and specify "or" as the boolean operator. Again, select your activity level status field for the first variable, All Slots for the logical function, equals for the comparison operator and finally "Approved" for the second variable.  Again add another line rule to route the workflow appropriately.

I beleive this will fit from what I read from above.  However, the first drawback I can mention is if you are sending emails to reviewers, without custom code those that have yet to respond won't know that one of the individuals has selected "Request More Information" - which has now invalidated the hyperlinks in their email.  If you use the task list or workspace your good.


Badge +7

Thanks Mike,

 I think I really need parallel IPC since I really need individual (for each reviewer) iterative review.

As you mentionned, I will certainly use email to alert reviewers. So I can't use your method...

 What about marcol888 solution? If I put several destination users in the Activity containing IPC event, how many IPC events will be started?

Badge +7

Maybe I found a solution...

 But I need to know how to launch a sub process form a server event code?

 Could someone provides me with a code doing this?

Badge +5

Drag a IPC event onto your activity and configure it as much as you can using the wizard to do what you would like to.  After your done click right the new event and click properties and then click generate code.  You should see the code in VB cor C# depending on what language you specified for you project.


Badge +7

I'm not sure you're right...

 The code generated by the IPC event wizard runs under the contect of IPCServerContext. When you code with a server code event the context is ServerContext which isn ot the same...

 Anyway, if I put several destination users in my activiy, it should run as many parallel IPC process as the number of destination users, right?
