Drawloop - An error has occurred when performing an Insert-Update

  • 26 March 2021
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +8


An error has occurred when performing an Insert-Update: '(error message)'
Note: (error message) portion of this error will vary



This error can occur for many reasons depending on the configuration.
1. If there are any invalid pairings (such as a name-value being entered in for a record ID field), this could potentially cause this error when running your package.
2. This error will appear if there are validation rules on the object that is blocking our service from updating the record. Our service will not be able to override any validation rules that are set on the object.
You will need to update your Insert-Update to update the fields that are necessary in order for the validation rule to allow the updating of the record to happen.
Please reach out to Support@nintex.com if you are unable to determine the root issue.


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