Parallel routing HELP!

  • 20 August 2009
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I am new to Blackpoint and i am not sure what is the best approach to do the following: I have 4 different tasks that need to be completed in parallel(each task has a different Task field in an infopath form) they all must be approved to move on to the next activity, if one of them is rejected the workflow should stop altogether. What is the best way to achieve this? Is it with preceding, succeeding rules?  Thank you in advance!!!!

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First, you'll need to get all of your activities to just run in parallel.  See this post ( for more information on that.  Also, you'll need a mechanism to track the action (approved/declined/etc.) that each user chooses.  This will differ based on requirements as well as how you plan your destinations (i.e. multiple users approving, only one destination user, etc.).  Once you can evaluate the 4 actions that were taken, simply put line rules on the activity that the 4 parallel activities come back into (Activity C) in the link above that state something along the lines of:

 1. if (firstAction = declined) OR (secondAction = declined) OR (thirdAction = declined) OR (fourthAction = declined) then follow the declined line. 
