Initiator name populating as system account

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I have set up a workflow to record the Initiator name went a column is completed. However sometimes it works and other time is populates as "system account".

Any ideas why? This is a very important part of the process as it shows who approved the item.

7 replies

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Hi Michelle,

is there any other logic applied to the list that could change items? Like another workflow, EventReceiver or TimerJob?

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No, but I have another workflow running at the same time, so I have amended so they run after each other.


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Am I  right in selecting the "initiator" to show who updated a field?

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how is the workflow started?  using start workflow action? 

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yes, but I had it starting when new item added before.

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To be clear I have a two columns one called "lead outcome" and one called "witness outcome". Both are choice columns which are set to "to be confirmed" when added to the library. As part of the process both the lead and witness amend their relevant  column to either "approved" or "rejected" based on their review of the item. 

I want to capture who updated the these columns and the date it was updated. Therefore I have created additional columns and set up the workflow using initiator as the workflow context. I am not sure that initiator is the right one to use as this could be who started the workflow which will be the system as automatically started for new items.


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If there is a way to pull the item version history into a column this could work, but not ideal as it would be very long text.
