Multiple Choice field validation

  • 23 February 2018
  • 5 replies

Badge +7

I have a choice field (Incentives) that is formatted as a multi select checkbox. If the user includes T-shirt in their one or more selections, then I want to require a selection for T-shirt Size. I am not sure how to word the validation rule on the Size field to accomplish this. The syntax I have works if you have only the T-shirt option selected and I'm not sure how to revise it to say "if T-shirt is included in the one or more choices, then require the Size".

Incorrect/incomplete rule on Size field: {Self} == "" && IncentiveOptions == "T-shirt"


5 replies

Badge +5

Hi Mindy,

You can use the formula like this. Means if your choice contain the value "T-Shirt" and the Shirt Size value is empty, the validation will trigger. You can disable the control of Shirt Size control if the choice does not contain "T-Shirt", so user won't select any value in there until they select "T-Shirt". I put and trigger the formula on the Save button.


Please let me know if it work for you. happy.png

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Thank you!!!!

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Here is the syntax I put on the validation rule for the t-shirt size choice field:  

Nintex Forms Designer - MASH Donation - Item

isNullOrEmpty(TshirtSize) && contains(IncentiveOptions,"T-shirt")
Badge +5

I too had to write the validation string like mindymac03 instead of the way marked as the answer for it to work.

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what if I wanted it required when it does not equal 1 of the 5 choices i have?


and(isNullOrEmpty({Self}),not(contains(TypeofRequest, "test 5"))
This does not seem to work when I try to make a field "Seeded/Seedless" required, only if the TypeofRequest is test 1-4 but not when it's test 5. Any suggestions?
Test 1= Apples
Test 2 = Bananas
Test 3 = Strawberries
Test 4 = Grapes
Test 5 = Papaya
