Run workflow on one list item

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Looking for a way tu run a workflow only on the last item created. Multiple items get created at the same time on my list triggered by a different workflow and once they are created on the list I have a workflow that will export all list items into csv.The problem I’m having is that when items are created the workflow runs for each of them and I have multiple csv files created. I’m trying to find a way for the workflow to wait until the last item is created and then run the workflow on that last item. The list is a temporary list after items are exported in csv files all items are deleted.any help is appreciated 

4 replies

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Why don't you run CSV generation on a schedule?

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I was able to solve the issue by querying the list and getting the maxID value, updating that one list item and then starting my list to csv workflow on modified item.




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List is populated on user demand (like SSRS report format) so running on schedule  would not work for me. : (
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